the best book club books and recommendations of new releases

Best Book Club Books for 2024

Tell your book besties!

Are you in a book club looking for your next read? Choosing the right book can be challenging, but we’ve got you covered. We have compiled a list of the best book club books that will keep your group engaged in 2024 and discussing long after you turn the last page.

Not all books are created equal when it comes to book club discussions. Some books are too plot-driven and lack depth, while others may be too dense and complex for a casual read. That’s why we have handpicked books that strike the perfect balance between being engaging, thought-provoking, and easy to read.

So without further ado, here are 5-7 suggestions for each month of the year to help you choose your next book club read!

Check back often. I will be adding future months as more book releases are announced for those months. Each month will have a printable voting sheet in the Catalogue for the best book club books 2024 is providing.

new releases for book clubs 2024

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The Storm We Made

Written by Vanessa Chan

Release Date: Jan. 2, 2024

“The Storm We Made” by Vanessa Chan is a gripping tale of survival, resilience, and the power of human connection. The story unfolds in a small coastal town that’s hit by an unexpected and devastating storm. At the heart of the narrative are three diverse characters whose lives intersect in the face of the natural disaster. As they struggle to survive, they grapple with their own personal storms, including past secrets, strained relationships, and self-doubt. This intense, heart-rending novel will have your book club engrossed and engaged as you explore themes of resilience, forgiveness, and the strength of community in the wake of adversity.


The Storm We Made” makes for an ideal book club read for several reasons:

  1. Rich Character Development: Each of the three main characters is impeccably fleshed out. Their individual stories, challenges, and evolution throughout the narrative offer ample topics for discussion and reflection.
  2. Exploration of Themes: The book delves into a plethora of themes, including resilience in the face of adversity, the power of community, and the need for forgiveness. These themes not only provoke thought but also allow for a wide range of perspectives during book club discussions.
  3. Engaging Plot: The compelling narrative, filled with suspense and emotional highs and lows, ensures that members will be eager to discuss the story. The gripping tale keeps readers on the edge of their seats, making it a book that’s hard to put down.
  4. Relatability: The story’s setting in a small coastal town and the personal struggles of the characters make the narrative relatable for many readers. This relatability can lead to shared experiences and deeper discussions during book club sessions.

The Fury

Written by Alex Michaelides

Release Date: Jan. 16, 2024

“The Fury” by Alex Michaelides is a suspenseful thriller that will keep your book club on the edge of their seats. The story follows a charismatic but misunderstood woman who becomes the prime suspect in a string of violent crimes. As she fights to clear her name, she is thrust into a web of intrigue, betrayal, and deadly secrets. Michaelides’ masterful storytelling weaves together a complex plot filled with unexpected twists, making it an ideal choice for a book club discussion. Delving into themes of identity, morality, and the chilling extent of human deception, “The Fury” will leave your book club with a lot to mull over long after the book is closed.


The Fury” is an excellent choice for a book club for several reasons:

  1. Intricate Plot: The plot of “The Fury” is layered and complex, with multiple twists and turns that will keep readers engrossed. The intricate storyline will encourage lively discussion as members share their interpretations and predictions.
  2. Dynamic Characters: The main character is nuanced and compelling, with a depth that invites exploration. Her actions and motivations will provide fodder for thought-provoking conversation about identity, morality, and human nature.
  3. Engaging Themes: The book delves into themes of deception, truth, and morality, stimulating meaningful dialogue. These themes can be related to real-life situations, making the discussions more relevant and impactful.
  4. Unpredictability: The unexpected elements in the storyline ensure that the book remains a topic of conversation for a long time. The suspense created will keep book club members excited to discuss the narrative’s developments and their reactions to them.
  5. Relatability: Although the story revolves around crime and intrigue, the themes of identity and human deception are universally relatable. This relatability can help foster deeper connections and conversations within the book club.

Family Family

Written by Laurie Frankel

Release Date: January 23, 2024

“Family Family” by Laurie Frankel is a deeply moving exploration of the complex dynamics and boundless love within unconventional families. The narrative revolves around a unique family formed not by blood, but by choice, and their navigation through societal norms, expectations, and their own personal trials. Through humor and heartbreak, the book delves into the joys and challenges of non-traditional families, and how their experiences differ from, yet often mirror, those of traditional families. With a narrative that is both relatable and thought-provoking, “Family Family” promises to spark rich dialogue about the true meaning of family, the beauty of chosen relationships, and the strength and resilience inherent in unconventional paths.


Family Family” is a prime choice for your book club discussions for the following reasons:

  1. Heartfelt and Humorous: The blend of humor and emotion in the story keeps readers engaged while providing a platform for discussing the resilience and adaptability of families in response to their unique circumstances.
  2. Deep Exploration of Themes: This book delves into heavy themes such as societal norms, family dynamics, and personal identity with nuance and grace. The varied perspectives offer ample material for in-depth discussions.
  3. Dynamic Characters: The diversity of the characters and their growth throughout the narrative can lead to engaging conversations about personal transformation, individuality, and family bonds.
  4. Universal Appeal: While the story centers on an unconventional family, the issues it tackles are universal, such as the struggle for acceptance, love, resilience, and the question of what truly constitutes a family.

Come and Get It

Written by Kiley Reid

Release Date: Jan. 30, 2024

“Come and Get It” by Kiley Reid is a gripping exploration of social dynamics in a seemingly ordinary suburban landscape. The story centers on a chain of events sparked by an unexpected invitation to a neighborhood potluck, leading to an unraveling of secrets that will forever alter the lives of those involved. Addressing themes of race, class, and the complex layers of human relationships, Reid’s narrative teeters between comedy and drama, exposing the underbelly of suburban life with wit and empathy. The engrossing character arcs, coupled with an intricate plot, will ensure that this book remains a topic of conversation in your book club long after the final page has been turned.


Come and Get It” is a perfect choice for your book club discussions because of the following reasons:

  1. Timely Themes: The story tackles issues of race, class, privilege, and social expectations in a relatable and thought-provoking manner, making it an ideal choice for sparking meaningful dialogue.
  2. Multi-layered Plot: The narrative weaves together multiple storylines, each with its own twists and turns, creating ample opportunities for book club members to share their interpretations and predictions.
  3. Complex Characters: The characters in “Come and Get It” are multi-dimensional with their own unique struggles, making them ideal fodder for discussions on identity, social expectations, and relationships.
  4. Humor and Empathy: While the story deals with heavy themes, Reid’s writing balances it out with humor and empathy, creating a space for engaging and respectful discussions about tough topics.
  5. Realistic Setting: The suburban setting may seem familiar to many readers, making it easier to empathize with the characters’ experiences and relate them to real-world situations. Overall, “Come and Get It” is an excellent book club pick that will ignite vibrant discussions and provide a deeper understanding of complex social dynamics.

Hard by a Great Forest

Written by Leo Vardiashvili

Release Date: Jan. 30, 2024

“Hard by a Great Forest” by Leo Vardiashvili is a compelling novel that explores the life of one man, Irina, and his tumultuous journey through 20th century Georgia. The story spans decades and touches upon the country’s history, culture, and politics through the lens of its resilient protagonist. As Irina grapples with love, loss, and survival in a changing world, readers are taken on a powerful emotional journey that will leave them with much to discuss. This book is an excellent choice for book clubs looking to explore lesser-known parts of the world and the human experience.

Hard by a Great Forest

Hard by a Great Forest” is a must-read for book clubs due to the following reasons:

  1. Rich Cultural Context: The book provides a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of Georgia, a country often overlooked in mainstream literature. This offers an opportunity for readers to broaden their perspectives and engage in discussions about different cultures.
  2. Complex Character Development: Irina’s character is complex and multifaceted, with layers that are slowly revealed throughout the story. His struggles, triumphs, and personal growth offer rich material for book club discussions.
  3. Exploration of Themes: The narrative touches upon themes such as love, loss, resilience, and the impact of war on individuals and society. These topics can spark deep and meaningful conversations among book club members.
  4. Unique Writing Style: Vardiashvili’s writing style is poetic and evocative, bringing the story to life in a way that will captivate readers and fuel their discussions. The use of imagery and symbolism adds depth to the narrative and invites further exploration.

Mrs. Quinn’s Rise to Fame

Written by Olivia Ford

Release Date: January 30, 2024

“Mrs. Quinn’s Rise to Fame” by Olivia Ford is a riveting tale of one woman’s journey from small-town obscurity to Hollywood stardom. The story follows the titular character, Mrs. Quinn, as she navigates the cut-throat world of show business while trying to hold onto her values and sense of self. With an insider’s look into the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, this book offers a compelling exploration of ambition, fame, and the sacrifices that come with success.

Mrs. Quinn's Rise to Fame

Mrs. Quinn’s Rise to Fame” is an ideal choice for your book club discussions for the following reasons:

  1. Insider Perspective: The author draws from her own experiences working in Hollywood to provide a realistic and immersive view of the entertainment industry. This offers readers a unique and intriguing perspective on fame and success.
  2. Complex Characters: The characters in this book are multi-dimensional, with flaws and struggles that make them relatable and compelling. Their choices and actions provide ample material for thought-provoking discussions.
  3. Exploration of Themes: The narrative tackles themes such as ambition, success, and the price of fame, which are relevant in today’s society. These themes can spark engaging conversations about our own perceptions and desires for success.
  4. Page-turning Plot: The story is fast-paced and full of unexpected twists that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. This makes it an exciting and enjoyable read that will make for lively book club discussions. So, add “Mrs. Quinn’s Rise to Fame”to your list of books to read in 2024 and be prepared for a riveting discussion with your book club!
new releases for book clubs 2024

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The Teacher

Written by Freida McFadden

Release Date: February 6, 2024

“The Teacher”, is a captivating novel that delves into the intricacies of the educator-student relationship in a small, rural school. The narrative follows the life of a dedicated teacher, Elizabeth, who, amidst personal struggles and institutional constraints, strives to ignite a love for learning in her students. Her unorthodox teaching methods and her unwavering faith in her students’ abilities stir up controversy and admiration in equal measure. The story grapples with compelling themes of education, morality, and the power dynamics within a small community. This book is a must-read for book clubs eager to dissect Elizabeth’s character and discuss the broader societal implications presented in the narrative.

The Teacher-paperback

The Teacher” is a fantastic choice for your February book club discussions because of the following reasons:

  1. Exploration of Educational System: The story provides an inside look into the challenges and limitations faced by educators in small, underfunded schools. This allows readers to delve into issues of equity, access to education, and the impact of institutional systems on students and teachers.
  2. Complex Protagonist: Elizabeth is a complex character with flaws, struggles, and unconventional methods that make her both admirable and controversial. Her actions and choices invite readers to delve into discussions about morality, teaching styles, and the responsibilities of educators.
  3. Engaging Plot: The story’s plot is full of twists and turns that will keep readers hooked and make for a lively book club discussion. The vivid depiction of rural life and the relationships between teachers, students, and community members add depth to the narrative.
  4. Relevant Themes: “The Teacher” touches upon themes such as education, morality, power dynamics, and the impact of small communities on individuals. These topics are highly relevant in today’s society and can lead to lively and thought-provoking discussions among book club members.

The Women

Written by Kristin Hannah

Release Date: February 6, 2024

“The Women” by Kristin Hannah is a heart-wrenching and powerful portrayal of the female experience in 20th century America. The story follows the lives of two sisters, Pearl and Annemarie, as they navigate love, loss, and societal expectations during World War II. Through their struggles and triumphs, readers are invited to reflect on themes of family, sisterhood, and the changing roles of women in society. This book is a perfect choice for book clubs looking to delve into complex relationships and societal norms.


Here’s why “The Women” should be your next book club pick:

  1. Sisterly Relationships: The bond between Pearl and Annemarie is at the heart of this story, and their dynamic offers rich material for discussion. The sisters’ complex relationship, with its ups and downs, will resonate with readers and invite conversations about the complexities of familial ties.
  2. Historical Context: Set during World War II, this book provides a window into a pivotal period in American history. The author’s vivid descriptions and attention to detail offer an immersive experience that can spark discussions on the impact of war on individuals and society.
  3. Themes of Womanhood: The narrative touches upon themes of love, motherhood, sisterhood, and female identity in a world that is rapidly changing. These topics are relevant to readers of any generation and can lead to meaningful discussions about societal expectations and gender roles.
  4. Compelling Storytelling: Kristin Hannah is known for her gripping and emotional storytelling, and “The Women” is no exception. The story’s engaging plot and well-developed characters will keep readers invested from start to finish, making it an excellent pick for book club discussions.

Redwood Court

Written by DéLana R.A. Dameron

Release Date: February 6, 2024

“Redwood Court” by DéLana R.A. Dameron is a poignant and intimate collection of poems that explores themes of family, love, and the complexities of Black identity in America. Through her lyrical and evocative writing, Dameron invites readers to reflect on their own relationships and experiences in a society marked by systemic racism. This book is an excellent choice for book clubs seeking to open up discussions about race, identity, and the power of poetry.


Here are some reasons why “Redwood Court” should be on your book club’s radar:

  1. Intimate and Personal: The poems in this collection offer a deeply personal and intimate look into the author’s experiences as a Black woman in America. This provides readers with a unique perspective and can prompt vulnerable and meaningful discussions.
  2. Thought-Provoking: DéLana R.A. Dameron’s writing is powerful and thought-provoking, addressing issues of race, identity, and belonging in a way that is both raw and lyrical. The poems will invite readers to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives, making for a meaningful book club discussion.
  3. Exploration of Family Dynamics: The author’s relationships with her parents, siblings, and ancestors are central to the collection, providing rich material for discussions on family dynamics and the impact of generational trauma.
  4. Celebration of Black Culture: “Redwood Court” celebrates the richness and complexity of Black culture through its references to history, music, and traditions. This can spark conversations about the importance of preserving and honoring cultural heritage.

The Phoenix Crown

Written by Kate Quinn and Janie Chang

Release Date: February 13, 2024

“The Phoenix Crown” is a historical fiction novel by two celebrated authors, Kate Quinn and Janie Chang. Set in 18th century China, the story follows the journey of two women from vastly different backgrounds as they navigate political turmoil, love, and betrayal. This book offers a fascinating blend of history and romance that will make for an engaging book club read.

The Phoenix Crown

Here’s why “The Phoenix Crown” should be on your book club’s list:

  1. Dynamic Female Characters: The two main characters, Ming and Princess Qiang, are strong and complex women who defy societal expectations and fight for their own agency. Their struggles and choices offer plenty of material for discussions on gender roles and empowerment.
  2. Rich Historical Detail: Set during the Qing dynasty, this book provides a detailed and immersive look into a fascinating period of Chinese history. The authors’ research and attention to detail add depth to the story and can lead to discussions on the political and cultural context of the novel.
  3. Romance and Betrayal: “The Phoenix Crown” offers a compelling mix of romance, betrayal, and intrigue that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The complex relationships between the characters and their struggles for love and power offer plenty of material for juicy book club discussions.
  4. Collaboration Between Acclaimed Authors: Kate Quinn and Janie Chang are both acclaimed authors in their own right, and together they have created a compelling and well-crafted novel that is sure to captivate readers. This book is an excellent choice for book clubs looking to explore new authors and genres.

The Resort

Written by Sara Ochs

Release Date: February 13, 2024

“The Resort” by Sara Ochs is a gripping psychological thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Set on a secluded island resort, the story follows three women as they navigate secrets, lies, and dangerous alliances. This book offers an addictive mix of mystery and suspense that is perfect for book club discussions.

The Resort thriller to read

Here’s why “The Resort” should be your next book club pick:

  1. Twists and Turns: “The Resort” is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end. This makes for a thrilling reading experience and can spark lively discussions on the power of secrets and manipulation.
  2. Exploration of Female Friendships: The three main characters are longtime friends who must confront the complexities and challenges of their relationships as they navigate a dangerous situation. This can prompt discussions on the dynamics of female friendships and the lengths people will go to protect their loved ones.
  3. Spectacular Setting: The secluded island resort setting adds an extra layer of intrigue to the story, providing plenty of material for discussions on isolation, privilege, and power dynamics.

Wandering Stars

Written by Tommy Orange

Release Date: February 27, 2024

“Wandering Stars” is a powerful and moving novel by the critically acclaimed author Tommy Orange. Set in present-day Oakland, California, the story follows 12 Native American characters as they grapple with identity, community, and their place in modern America. This book offers a thought-provoking and timely exploration of race, culture, and belonging that will make for great book club discussions.

Wandering Stars

Here are some reasons why “Wandering Stars” should be on your book club’s radar:

  1. Diverse Perspectives: The novel follows 12 different characters, each with their own unique background and experiences. This provides a diverse range of perspectives that can spark meaningful discussions on race, heritage, and cultural identity.
  2. Beautifully Written: Tommy Orange’s writing is powerful and evocative, capturing the complexities and nuances of his characters’ experiences with grace and empathy. This book offers an excellent opportunity for book clubs to explore the craft of writing and its impact on storytelling.
  3. Relevant and Timely Topics: “Wandering Stars” tackles issues such as gentrification, cultural appropriation, and the impact of historical trauma on Native American communities. These topics are highly relevant and can lead to insightful discussions on current events and social issues.
  4. Author’s Personal Connection: Tommy Orange is a member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma, adding a personal touch to his exploration of Native American experiences in modern America. This can spark discussions on the importance of diverse voices in literature and representation in media.
new releases for book clubs 2024

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Women of Good Fortune

Written by Sophie Wan

Release Date: March 4, 2024

“Women of Good Fortune” by Sophie Wan is a heartwarming and uplifting novel that celebrates the power of friendship, family, and community. Set in the bustling city of Hong Kong, the story follows four women as they navigate love, career, and personal challenges. This book offers a charming and relatable read that will make for great book club discussions.

Women of Good Fortune

Here’s why “Women of Good Fortune” should be on your book club’s list:

  1. Strong Female Friendships: The four main characters have been friends since childhood, and their bond is a central theme in the novel. This makes for a heartwarming and relatable read that can spark discussions on the importance of friendships in our lives.
  2. Vibrant Setting: Hong Kong is a vibrant and bustling city, and the author’s vivid descriptions bring it to life in the novel. This provides an excellent opportunity for book clubs to explore different cultures and settings through literature.
  3. Exploration of Love and Relationships: The novel explores various types of relationships, including romantic love, familial love, and platonic love. This can lead to discussions on the different forms of love and how they shape our lives.
  4. Themes of Empowerment and Resilience: The characters in “Women of Good Fortune” face challenges and setbacks, but they also demonstrate resilience and determination to succeed. This can spark discussions on themes of empowerment and overcoming adversity.
  5. Author’s Personal Experiences: Sophie Wan is a Hong Kong native, and her personal experiences and insights into the city’s culture and way of life add depth to the novel. This can prompt discussions on the impact of an author’s background on their writing.

The Great Divide

Written by Cristina Henríquez

Release Date: March 5, 2024

“The Great Divide” by Cristina Henríquez is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that explores the complexities of immigration and family dynamics. The story follows a Mexican-American family as they navigate their lives on both sides of the US-Mexico border. This book offers an insightful and timely read that will make for great book club discussions.

The Great Divide

Here’s why “The Great Divide” should be on your book club’s radar:

  1. Timely and Relevant Topics: In the current political climate, discussions about immigration and cultural identity are more important than ever. “The Great Divide” offers a nuanced and humanizing perspective on these topics that can spark insightful discussions.
  2. Multigenerational Family Dynamics: The novel follows three generations of a Mexican-American family, each with their own struggles and experiences. This provides an excellent opportunity for book clubs to explore familial relationships and cultural traditions.
  3. Rich Cultural Representation: Cristina Henríquez incorporates elements of Mexican culture into the story, from food to folklore, adding depth and authenticity to the characters and setting. This can prompt discussions on the importance of diverse representation in literature.
  4. Exploration of Social Issues: The novel touches on social issues such as poverty, racism, and class differences, providing a thought-provoking read that can lead to discussions on these topics and their impact on society.
  5. Compelling Storytelling: Henríquez’s writing is engaging and emotionally resonant, making “The Great Divide” a compelling read. This can spark discussions on the importance of storytelling and its ability to convey powerful messages.

Anita de Monte Laughs Last

Written by Xochitl Gonzalez

Release Date: March 5, 2024

“Anita de Monte Laughs Last” by Xochitl Gonzalez is a witty and charming novel that follows the journey of a young woman navigating her career and relationships in New York City.

1985. Anita de Monte, a rising star in the art world, is found dead in New York City; her tragic death is the talk of the town. Until it isn’t. By 1998 Anita’s name has been all but forgotten―certainly by the time Raquel, a third-year art history student is preparing her final thesis. On College Hill, surrounded by privileged students whose futures are already paved out for them, Raquel feels like an outsider. Students of color, like her, are the minority there, and the pressure to work twice as hard for the same opportunities is no secret.

Anita de Monte Laughs Last

Here’s why “Anita de Monte Laughs Last” should be on your book club’s list:

  1. Humorous and Lighthearted: This novel offers a refreshing break from heavier reads, with its humorous and lighthearted tone. This can provide a fun and enjoyable reading experience for book clubs.
  2. Exploration of Career Struggles: The protagonist of the story faces challenges in her career as she tries to make it in the competitive world of New York City. This can spark discussions on career choices, work-life balance, and pursuing one’s passions.
  3. Interpersonal Relationships: The novel also delves into the protagonist’s relationships with her family, friends, and love interests, providing an opportunity for book clubs to discuss communication and dynamics in relationships.
  4. New York City Setting: Xochitl Gonzalez’s writing brings the bustling city of New York to life, making it almost like a character in itself. This can lead to discussions on the impact of setting on a story and its characters.
  5. Themes of Identity and Self-Discovery: As the protagonist navigates her relationships and career, she also grapples with questions of identity and finding her place in the world. This can prompt discussions on self-discovery and personal growth.


Written by Vanessa Lawrence

Release Date: March 5, 2024

“Ellipses” by Vanessa Lawrence is a gripping mystery thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The story follows a young woman who discovers her past may not be what she thought as she tries to uncover the truth behind her parents’ death. Set in the glossy world of New York City media, this sharp and witty debut novel follows a young woman caught in a toxic mentorship with an older, powerful executive as she grapples with career, belonging, and the complexity of modern relationships in the digital age.


Here’s why “Ellipses” should be your next book club pick:

  1. Twists and Turns: This novel is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end. This offers a thrilling reading experience that can lead to discussions on plot development and suspense-building.
  2. Exploration of Family Secrets: As the protagonist uncovers information about her family, she also uncovers long-held secrets that bring into question everything she thought she knew. This can spark discussions on the impact of family secrets and their potential consequences.
  3. Themes of Betrayal and Trust: The novel delves into themes of betrayal and trust as the protagonist navigates relationships with those closest to her. This can lead to discussions on the complexities of human relationships and the importance of trust.
  4. Mental Health Representation: Throughout the story, the protagonist also grapples with mental health issues, offering a realistic portrayal of these struggles. This can prompt discussions on mental health and its representation in literature.
  5. Cinematic Writing Style: Vanessa Lawrence’s writing style is cinematic and evocative, making the story feel almost like a movie. This can prompt discussions on the use of imagery and descriptive language in storytelling.

Expiration Dates

Written by Rebecca Serle

Release Date: March 19, 2024

“Expiration Dates” by Rebecca Serle is a thought-provoking and emotional novel that raises questions about love, loss, and the concept of soulmates. The story follows two individuals who have been told their expiration dates – the exact day they will meet their soulmate and fall in love.

Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together. The papers told her she’d spend three days with Martin in Paris; five weeks with Noah in San Francisco; and three months with Hugo, her ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Daphne has been receiving the numbered papers for over twenty years, always wondering when there might be one without an expiration. Finally, the night of a blind date at her favorite Los Angeles restaurant, there’s only a name: Jake.

Expiration Dates

Here’s why “Expiration Dates” should be on your book club’s list:

  1. Contemplation of Fate and Destiny: The novel explores the idea of fate and destiny, presenting readers with a world where everyone has a predetermined soulmate and love is guaranteed. This can prompt discussions on whether or not true love can be predetermined or if it is a matter of choice.
  2. Themes of Love and Loss: As the characters grapple with their impending expiration dates, they also confront themes of love and loss, making this novel an emotional rollercoaster. This can lead to discussions on the complexities of love and how it intersects with the concept of soulmates.
  3. Exploration of Different Types of Relationships: “Expiration Dates” also delves into different types of relationships and how they compare to the idea of a soulmate. This can spark discussions on the diversity of love and how it manifests in our lives.
  4. Thought-Provoking Premise: The concept of expiration dates for soulmates is both intriguing and unsettling, which makes for a thought-provoking read that will generate interesting discussions.
  5. Multiple Perspectives: The story is told from the perspectives of both main characters, providing readers with a well-rounded view of the world and its rules. This can prompt discussions on narrative structure and how it affects our understanding of a story.

The Princess of Las Vegas

Written by Chris Bohjalian

Release Date: March 19, 2024

“The Princess of Las Vegas” by Chris Bohjalian is a captivating and immersive novel that transports readers into the glitzy world of Las Vegas. A Princess Diana impersonator and her estranged sister find themselves drawn into a dangerous game of money and murder in this twisting tale of organized crime, cryptocurrency, and family secrets on the Las Vegas strip.

The Princess of Las Vegas

Here’s why “The Princess of Las Vegas” should be your next book club pick:

  1. Exploration of Identity and Family: Its complex themes of organized crime, cryptocurrency, and family secrets will provoke thoughtful debates and conversations among your book club members, allowing for deep dives into societal issues and the human condition.
  2. Intriguing Setting: Set in the glitzy and fast-paced world of Las Vegas, this novel offers a unique and fascinating setting that will transport readers into a different world. This can prompt discussions on how setting impacts a story and its characters.
  3. Author’s Conversational Style: The writing style makes the book accessible and enjoyable for readers of all levels. Dowling’s knack for storytelling feels like corresponding with a good friend, making the reading process a pleasure and encouraging lively discussions.
  4. Historical and Contemporary Topics: Book club members can discuss things such as the legacy of Princess Diana, the glitz of Las Vegas, and the evolving world of cryptocurrency. These diverse subjects will enrich your book club meetings with a variety of perspectives and insights.
  5. Dynamics of Sisterhood: Family relationships can resonate with many readers, offering opportunities for personal sharing and reflections.

The Truth About the Devlins

Written by Lisa Scottoline

Release Date: March 26, 2024

“The Truth About the Devlins” by Lisa Scottoline is a gripping and suspenseful novel that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The story follows a family who discovers shocking secrets about their loved ones after they pass away, forcing them to question everything they thought they knew.

One night, TJ’s world turns upside down after his older brother John confesses that he just murdered one of the clients, an accountant he’d confronted with proof of embezzlement. It seems impossible coming from John, the firstborn son and Most Valuable Devlin.

The Truth About the Devlins

Here’s why “The Truth About the Devlins” is a must-read for book clubs:

  1. Exploration of Family Dynamics: With the discovery of secrets and betrayal within their family, the characters in this novel are forced to reevaluate their relationships and confront difficult truths. This can prompt discussions on how family dynamics can impact our lives and shape who we are.
  2. Themes of Loss and Grief: The novel also delves into themes of loss and grief, as the characters grapple with the death of their loved ones along with the shocking revelations about them. This can lead to discussions on the different ways people cope with loss and how it affects us.
  3. Twists and Turns: “The Truth About the Devlins” is full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the very end. This can prompt discussions on plot structure and how it affects our reading experience.
  4. Complex Characters: The characters in this novel are well-developed and layered, each with their own motivations and secrets. This makes for a compelling read and can prompt discussions on character analysis and how it adds depth to a story.
  5. Exploration of Morality: As the characters grapple with the shocking truths about their loved ones, they also question their own moral compasses. This can lead to discussions on morality and the gray areas between right and wrong.
new releases for book clubs 2024

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Table for Two

Written by Amor Towles

Release Date: April 2, 2024

“Table for Two” by Amor Towles is a charming and romantic novel that will make for a perfect book club read in the month of April. The story follows two strangers who meet at a restaurant and strike up an unexpected conversation, leading to a journey of self-discovery and love.

The indomitable Evelyn Ross leaves New York City in September 1938 with the intention of returning home to Indiana. But as her train pulls into Chicago, where her parents are waiting, she instead extends her ticket to Los Angeles. Told from seven points of view, “Eve in Hollywood” describes how Eve crafts a new future for herself—and others—in a noirish tale that takes us through the movie sets, bungalows, and dive bars of Los Angeles.

Table for Two Fictions

Here’s why “Table for Two” is a great choice for book clubs:

  1. Themes of Fate and Serendipity: The chance encounter between the two main characters in the novel sparks questions about fate and serendipity, prompting discussions on whether things happen for a reason or if they are simply coincidences.
  2. Exploration of Love: As the two characters get to know each other, they also reflect on their past relationships and what love means to them. This can lead to discussions on different types of love and how they manifest in our lives.
  3. Intriguing Plot Structure: The novel is structured as a series of conversations between the two main characters, which adds an interesting layer to the story and prompts discussions on how plot structure can affect our reading experience.
  4. Engaging Characters: The two main characters in the novel are well-developed and relatable, making for an engaging read. This can prompt discussions on character growth and how it affects our connection to a story.
  5. Exploration of Human Connection: “Table for Two” explores the power of human connection and how a chance encounter can change our lives. This can lead to discussions on the impact of small interactions on our relationships and personal growth.

The Titanic Survivors Book Club

Written by Timothy Schaffert

Release Date: April 2, 2024

“The Titanic Survivors Book Club” by Timothy Schaffert is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that follows a group of people who formed a book club after surviving the sinking of the Titanic. As they come together to discuss books and share their stories, they also uncover secrets and truths about each other that will change their lives forever. This novel offers a unique perspective on the power of literature and the bonds formed through shared experiences.

For weeks after the sinking of the Titanic, Yorick spots his own name among the list of those lost at sea. As an apprentice librarian for the White Star Line, his job was to curate the ship’s second-class library. But the day the Titanic set sail he was left stranded at the dock.

After the ship’s sinking, Yorick takes this twist of fate as a sign to follow his lifelong dream of owning a bookshop in Paris. Soon after, he receives an invitation to a secret society of survivors where he encounters other ticket-holders who didn’t board the ship. Haunted by their good fortune, they decide to form a book society, where they can grapple with their own anxieties through heated discussions of The Awakening or The Picture of Dorian Gray.

Of this ragtag group, Yorick finds himself particularly drawn to the glamorous Zinnia and the mysterious Haze, and a tangled triangle of love and friendship forms among them. Yet with the Great War on the horizon and the unexpected death of one of their own, the surviving book club members are left wondering what fate might have in store.

The Titanic Survivors Book Club

Here’s why “The Titanic Survivors Book Club” is a must-read for book clubs:

  1. Exploration of Trauma: The main characters in this novel have all experienced trauma, whether it be from the sinking of the Titanic or other events in their lives. This prompts discussions on how people cope with trauma and the lasting effects it can have.
  2. Themes of Friendship: As the survivors come together to form a book club, they also form strong bonds of friendship and support. This can lead to discussions on the importance of community and the connections we make through shared experiences.
  3. Book Club Dynamics: The novel offers an interesting look at the dynamics of a book club, as the members come from different backgrounds and have unique opinions on the books they read. This can prompt discussions on how book clubs operate and how they can bring people together.
  4. Exploration of Literature: As the characters discuss various books in their book club, they also reflect on how literature has impacted their lives and helped them cope with their experiences. This can lead to discussions on the power of literature and its ability to bring people together.
  5. Themes of Identity: Each character in the novel has a unique identity shaped by their past experiences, and as they share their stories with each other, they also reflect on who they are and how they want to be perceived. This can prompt discussions on identity and how it can change over time.

How to End a Love Story

Written by Yulin Kuang

Release Date: April 2, 2024

“How to End a Love Story” by Yulin Kuang is a heart-wrenching and emotional novel that explores the complexities of love and relationships. The story follows two former lovers who meet again after years apart, forcing them to confront their past and the reasons for their breakup. This novel offers a raw and honest look at the ups and downs of love, making it a perfect choice for book clubs in the month of April.

How to End a Love Story

Here’s why “How to End a Love Story” should be your next book club read:

  1. Exploration of Love and Loss: The novel delves into the complexities of love and how it can change over time, as well as the pain and heartbreak that comes with loss. This can prompt discussions on how we perceive love and how it evolves throughout our lives.
  2. Themes of Regret: The two main characters in the novel are forced to confront their past mistakes and regrets, leading to discussions on forgiveness and the impact of our choices on others.
  3. Relationship Dynamics: “How to End a Love Story” offers an intriguing look at the dynamics of a relationship, as the two main characters navigate their past and present feelings for each other. This can prompt discussions on how relationships change over time and the importance of communication.
  4. Exploration of Closure: As the characters attempt to find closure in their past relationship, they also reflect on what it means to truly move on from someone we once loved. This can lead to discussions on closure and its role in healing.
  5. Themes of Self-Discovery: The novel follows the journeys of two characters as they confront their past and make decisions about their future, prompting discussions on self-discovery and growth. As book club members, we can reflect on our own experiences and how they have shaped us into who we are today.

One of Us Knows

Written by Alyssa Cole

Release Date: April 16, 2024

From the highly praised and bestselling author of “When No One Is Watching” comes an enthralling thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. In this gripping tale, we follow the journey of Kenetria Nash, a former preservationist who is given a second chance at her dream job as resident caretaker of a historic estate.

But what seems like a dream come true quickly turns into a nightmare when Kenetria finds herself trapped on an island with a murderer and her own past haunting her. As she struggles to survive, she must also confront the ghosts of her past and the secrets that threaten to destroy her.

One of Us Knows

Here’s why “One of Us Knows” should be on your list of book club picks:

  1. Engaging Plot: This book offers a gripping narrative that is sure to spark lively discussions in your book club. The complex layers of the story will engage your group in analyzing the protagonist’s decisions and the implications of her actions.
  2. Character Study: Kenetria Nash is a uniquely complicated character. Discussing her struggle with dissociative identity disorder and how it affects her choices provides a deep dive into mental health topics that are often overlooked.
  3. Historical Perspective: As a historical preservationist, Kenetria’s profession provides a fascinating backdrop to the story. This adds a unique twist to the thriller genre that is sure to intrigue history buffs in your group.
  4. Themes of Resilience and Redemption: The book explores themes of resilience in the face of adversity and the search for redemption. These universal themes will resonate with many readers, offering rich material for discussion.
  5. Suspenseful Atmosphere: The suspense and the thriller elements of the book make it a page-turner. It’s the sort of book that will have everyone in your book club eager to discuss their theories and predictions.

Funny Story

Written by Emily Henry

Release Date: April 23, 2024

“Funny Story” by Emily Henry is a heartwarming and hilarious romantic comedy that will make for a fun and light-hearted book club read.

Daphne always loved the way her fiancé Peter told their story. How they met (on a blustery day), fell in love (over an errant hat), and moved back to his lakeside hometown to begin their life together. He really was good at telling it…right up until the moment he realized he was actually in love with his childhood best friend Petra.

Which is how Daphne begins her new story: Stranded in beautiful Waning Bay, Michigan, without friends or family but with a dream job as a children’s librarian (that barely pays the bills), and proposing to be roommates with the only person who could possibly understand her predicament: Petra’s ex, Miles Nowak.

Scruffy and chaotic—with a penchant for taking solace in the sounds of heart break love ballads —Miles is exactly the opposite of practical, buttoned up Daphne, whose coworkers know so little about her they have a running bet that she’s either FBI or in witness protection. The roommates mainly avoid one another, until one day, while drowning their sorrows, they form a tenuous friendship and a plan. If said plan also involves posting deliberately misleading photos of their summer adventures together, well, who could blame them?

But it’s all just for show, of course, because there’s no way Daphne would actually start her new chapter by falling in love with her ex-fiancé’s new fiancée’s ex…right?

Funny Story a novel

Here’s why “Funny Story” should be your next book club pick:

  1. Dynamic Characters: “Funny Story” is filled with characters who are deeply human and flawed, making them relatable and providing ample opportunity for discussion. Daphne and Miles, with their unique quirks and shared predicament, will ignite conversations about love, betrayal, friendship, and reinvention.
  2. Humor and Heartbreak: The book seamlessly blends moments of laughter with elements of heartbreak, creating a rich reading experience that will appeal to a wide range of readers. The emotional depth of the story will encourage your book club members to share their own experiences, fostering connection and understanding.
  3. Exploration of Resilience: The theme of resilience is a focal point in this book. As both Daphne and Miles navigate difficult situations, they demonstrate the power of resilience, sparking discussions about personal growth, the ability to bounce back from adversity, and the human capacity for change.
  4. Intriguing Setting: The setting of Waning Bay, Michigan, adds another layer of interest to the story. The small-town atmosphere and unique dynamics provide a backdrop for the unfolding drama, and can stimulate conversations about how setting informs a story and influences its characters.
  5. Unexpected Friendships: The unlikely friendship between Daphne and Miles serves as a testament to the unpredictability of life and the surprises it can hold. This topic can lead to in-depth discussions about the nature of friendship, the significance of support systems, and the importance of forging connections in unfamiliar territories.

Stay Tuned for More 2024 Book Club Choices

These are just a few book club suggestions for 2024 that offer diverse genres and themes for discussion. Whether you choose a historical fiction novel, a thriller, or a romantic comedy, these books are sure to spark thought-provoking conversations among your book club members. Happy reading and discussing! Don’t forget to use our “book club voting printable” to help choose your next read! So, what are you waiting for? Dive into one of these amazing books and get ready for your next book club meeting. 2024 is sure to be a fantastic year for book clubs with these top picks!

Bookmark this page and come back to see the next selection of books and printables for 2024.

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